Loake Factory Repair Service
Can I arrange repair/refurbishment of my shoes at the Loake Factory in Kettering?

Yes - Our repair service can be accessed by posting your shoes direct to the factory. Please contact the factory before sending any shoes.

Telephone: +44 (0)1536 315900
Email: customer.services@loake.co.uk


Repair or resole your shoes at one of our authorized repair shops locally in Sweden.

These skilled shoemakers have long experience of working with our shoes and are able to answer all possible questions. Most of the authorized repair shops have the possibilities to work with original Loake parts.

Södermalm Sko & Nyckelservice
Återförsäljare & Verkstad
Folkungagatan 104
116 30 Stockholm
Bäckmans Skoservice
Nybrogatan 23
114 39 Stockholm
Hallmans Skomakeri
Birkagatan 14
113 39 Stockholm
Björkmans Skomakeri
Återförsäljare & Verkstad
Storgatan 37
771 30 Ludvika